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Play Style Part 2: EA Vanity – Melee and Eyegear

Back again with some vanity previews for Early Access. Yesterday we showed off some vanity you can use on your vehicle, but you can modify the look of your character as well. Open up your character options and pull out a couple of blinding eyewear that won’t affect your view in-game but might give your character some low cosmetic depth perception.

Headcrusher and Eyepatch

Rider Goggles

Likewise our beautiful mohawked man above is wielding something other than the iconic bat with nails in it. Melee weapons likewise are a vanity option where you can swap out your initial defense piece with one ugly courier of pain.

Give yourself over to our Fractured Lands wasteland and don further character customizations that tailor you to your own brand of mayhem!

More vanity features this week and further talk of Early Access as well. Stay tuned!

I bet he’s not even missing an eye

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